AYM in Africa
Uganda | Sheilla Princess Mirembe Butelse
My lifelong objective is to become a lawyer with skills in project planning and management, monitoring and evaluation, and use my career primarily to assist the underprivileged. In order to reach this goal, I am a listener who is ready to learn at any given opportunity. I am goal-oriented, resilient, I love to work with challenges and to work with others as a team.
Ugandan Youth Development
Currently, I am especially interested in promoting the development of youth organizations and bring about meaningful change in the lives of youth. As a youth myself, I wish to see individual development of youth through programs that successfully promote youth development in Uganda and in the entire East Africa, and that bring youth together to share their ideas, develop a sense of belonging and ownership, ensuring their bonding together as youths in Africa and foster their resilience and self-worth. By doing this, I believe we will help youth discover themselves and identify their interests and strengths.
The Future of Uganda
In the future, I hope to develop programs and organizations that help young single mothers develop self-confidence and skills to support themselves financially and to achieve independence. Also, I want to develop an orphanage and a group home for elderly that they can feel confident is their own.
Interests: politics, religion, choir, entrepreneurship
Key personal skills: public speaking, youth organizing, advocacy and problem-solving, organizing charitable events, motivating others.